Monday, July 11, 2011


  Did you have a favorite pair of shoes growing up? You know the ones you wanted to wear every day, even if they didn't match your outfit, much to your Mama's dismay. I did, always have I guess. My favorites just gradually change and then change again over time.
  Life can be kind of like a pair of great shoes! (Ha!) The thing is sometimes I find myself looking back thinking, "Man, I wish I could wear my old favorites again. Man, I wish I could go back to that place where things seemed better/easier." God recently talked to me about this. He simply said to my heart, "Don't keep trying to put on the shoes that you've outgrown. It will hurt you." After all we can't run in shoes that are too small now can we?

Ewwwww..Gross right! Sorry. Just sayin' Don't do that!
Matthew 9:17
“And no one puts new wine into old wineskins. For the old skins would burst from the pressure, spilling the wine and ruining the skins. New wine is stored in new wineskins so that both are preserved.”
  Of course, I've got to try to keep myself from wanting to jump to far ahead too. Planning and having vision,and goals while working hard to achieve them is awesome!!! It's just that wishing and getting discouraged or depressed because those things arn't happening RIGHT NOW is not awesome.You can't run in shoes that are to big either.

So enjoy the shoes your in! They weren't your favorites yesterday and they might be too small tomorrow :)

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